Road ecology blog: Frost covered bison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone River, Wyoming, USA
Bison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone RivBison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone River, Wyoming, USA
Bison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone RivBison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone River, Wyoming, USA
Bison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone RivBison (Bison bison) crossing a bridge across the Yellowstone River, Wyoming, USA
Click here for other images of animals that were killed by cars.
Click here for other images of animals alive on or near roads.
Some large format prints (limited edition) are now for sale at Freshwater Studio & Gallery in Missoula, Montana.
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All content © 2016 Marcel Huijser