Road ecology blog: Root wad of tree pulls up wildlife fence

May 01, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

All trees eventually fall down. When a tree falls down damage can occur to whatever surrounds the tree. In this case a wildlife fence was placed alongside a highway through a forested area. The trees immediately behind the fence reduce the visibility of the fence and improve landscape aesthetics. It is obvious that trees located close to a fence can damage that fence when they fall. The damage usually occurs when a tree stem falls on top of a fence. This image shows a different situation where an entire tree was uprooted, where the tree stem did not fall on the fence, but where the root wad lifted the fence up, damaging it from the bottom up rather than from the top down. Click here for additional images.

All content © 2012 Marcel Huijser

Root wad of fallen tree lifting up and damaging a wildlife fence, Montana, USARoot wad of fallen tree lifting up and damaging a wildlife fence, Montana, USA


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