Road ecology blog: fence markers or flags for sage grouse

April 27, 2012  •  1 Comment

Sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations in North America are under pressure from a range of issues. Some of these threats are related to roads and traffic. Sage grouse are sometimes hit by cars, but they can also collide with right-of-way or livestock fences. Markers or "flags" are used to make these fences more visible to fast and low flying sage grouse. The markers or flags can reduce fence strikes by 70% or more and they are especially recommended in areas with relatively high population densities and near leks where sage grouse concentrate during the mating season. More information about different types of fence markers and other sage grouse conservation efforts can be found at: Click here for additional images of fence markers.

All content © 2012 Marcel Huijser

Markers on livestock fences or right-of-way fences to reduce sage grouse colliding with or flying into these fences, near Bannack, Montana, USAMarkers on livestock fences or right-of-way fences to reduce sage grouse colliding with these fences, near Bannack, Montana, USA


Donald J Kaleta(non-registered)

Visit WWW.FENCE-FLAG.COM for a De-Fence testimonial and historical overview on how a small mom & pop co. is making Barbed Wire fence barriers more visible at a distance and safer, especially in darkness for wildlife, whether on legs or wing (including Sage Grouse); that surely includes also domestic livestock as well as humans.
Nuclear Weapon Triggers are no longer produced at the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Production Site near Denver Colorado that was our country’s defense during the Cold War era. A private invention research & development company in N.E. OHIO; MOM & POP PRODUCTS CO, is making an important life saving contribution to prevent further deaths of Mule Deer at this former site, which is now the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.
FENCE-FLAGS® are an effective Fence Warning Device and affordable with a suggested retail of $3.50/bag of 12 = $.29 ea. Free sample requests are welcome.
FENCE-FLAGS® are available thru distributors or us, the manufacturer, for a direct GOV. FOB quote.

Dolores B Kaleta, CEO
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