Road ecology blog: Wildlife trail at fence-end (fence end run).

November 03, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Road ecology blog: Wildlife trail at fence-end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA. This is an indication that there is a concentration of wildlife crossings at the fence end ("fence-end run"). This can result in a concentration of collisions at or near the fence end. It is important to start and end fences at locations where the probability of fence-end runs is minimized. The following paper describes where to start and end wildlife fences and it summarizes suggestions for fence-end treatments:

Huijser, M.P., E.R. Fairbank, W. Camel-Means, J. Graham, V. Watson, P. Basting & D. Becker. 2016. Effectiveness of short sections of wildlife fencing and crossing structures along highways in reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions and providing safe crossing opportunities for large mammals. Biological Conservation 197: 61-68.

Wildlife trail at fence end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, BonnersWildlife trail at fence end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, BonnersWildlife trail at fence end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA. This is an indication that there is a concentration of wildlife crossing at the fence end ("fence-end run"), potentially resulting in a concentration of collisions at or near the fence end. Wildlife trail at fence end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, BonnersWildlife trail at fence end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, BonnersWildlife trail at fence end (fence end run), US Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA. This is an indication that there is a concentration of wildlife crossing at the fence end ("fence-end run"), potentially resulting in a concentration of collisions at or near the fence end. A wildlife trail at a fence end, US Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry, IdahoA wildlife trail at a fence end, US Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry, IdahoA wildlife trail at a fence end, US Hwy 95, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA. This is an indication that there is a concentration of wildlife crossing at the fence end ("fence-end run"), potentially resulting in a concentration of collisions at or near the fence end.

Click here for images of wildlife fencing.

Click here for other images of wildlife guards, cattle guards, electric mats or gates.

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