Road ecology blog: Animal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA. This system is manufactured by Sloan Security Group in Boise Idaho. It uses doppler radar to detect large animals on a frontage road along US Hwy 95. The system detects wildlife that approach or leave a wildlife underpass under US Hwy 95 (the main highway, see images further down). Animals that use the underpass still have to cross the frontage road. This is where the system comes in and warns drivers of large animals on or near the frontage road right outside the wildlife underpass.
Animal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, ChilcAnimal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Image below: the wildlife underpass is just to the left of the red truck.
Animal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, ChilcAnimal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA Animal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, ChilcAnimal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Image below: The panel is the doppler radar. The FLIR camera is a thermal camera that is used to verify the reliability of the system.
Doppler radar and FLIR thermal camera associated with animal deDoppler radar and FLIR thermal camera associated with animal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Image below: Cell phone signal booster for remote control and data collection.
Cell phone signal booster associated with animal detection systeCell phone signal booster associated with animal detection system, along frontage road of US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Image below: Animals that use the wildlife underpass still have to navigate the frontage road. That is where the animal detection system is installed.
Boulders and rocks provide cover for small animals inside wildliBoulders and rocks provide cover for small animals inside wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Image below:
Boulders block access to unauthorized vehicles at wildlife underBoulders block access to unauthorized vehicles at wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA Boulders block access to unauthorized vehicles at wildlife underBoulders block access to unauthorized vehicles at wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Boulders block access to unauthorized vehicles at wildlife underBoulders block access to unauthorized vehicles at wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Images below:boulders and rocks inside the underpass provide cover to small animal species. Note that there is corn inside the underpass, apparently to lure animals into the underpass. Not sure if this is legal or illegal feeding.
Boulders and rocks provide cover for small animals inside wildliBoulders and rocks provide cover for small animals inside wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA Legal or illegal feeding of corn in wildlife underpass, US Hwy 9Legal or illegal feeding of corn in wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Images below: the wildlife fencing associated with the wildlife underpass.
Wildlife fence, near wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, IdahWildlife fence, near wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA Wildlife fence, near wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, IdahWildlife fence, near wildlife underpass, US Hwy 95, Chilco, Idaho, USA
Click here for other images of animal detection systems.
Click here for images of wildlife underpasses.
Click here for more images of long bridges or viaducts.
Click here for images of wildlife fencing.
Click here for images of multifunctional underpasses.
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All content © 2016 Marcel Huijser