Follow that car!

April 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Following another car on a dirt road at night, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The yellows are from the headlights seen through the windshield and it also shows some of the lights of the other car ahead of us. The reds, magentas and blues in the two clusters in the bottom half of the image are the dashboard lights in our own car.

Click here for more images of Parque Nacional de Aparados da Serra.

Some large format prints (limited edition) are now for sale at Freshwater Studio & Gallery in Missoula, Montana.

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All content © 2015 Marcel Huijser

Following another car on a dirt road at night, Rio Grande do SulFollowing another car on a dirt road at night, Rio Grande do SulFollowing another car on a dirt road at night, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The yellows are from the headlights seen through the windshield and it also shows some of the lights of the other car ahead of us. The reds, magentas and blues in the two clusters in the bottom half of the image are the dashboard lights in our own car.



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