Road ecology blog: Wildlife warning signs, near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

November 20, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Road ecology blog: This road was recently upgraded from an unpaved road to a paved road. The road goes through a protected area in the "Serra da Pedra Selada" mountain range, and was designed as a "park road" (estrada-parque) with low design speed, low posted maximum speed, wildlife warning signs and crossing structures for terrestrial animals and arboreal mammals. The road goes through Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica).

Images below: Sign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradaSign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradaSign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradaSign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradaSign, attention drivers, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Images below: Sign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradSign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradSign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradSign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estradSign, drive with caution, wildlife crossing, "park road" (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Image below: Sign, attention, 40 kilometerper hour safe maximum speed, "park road- (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sign, attention, 40 kilometerper hour safe maximum speed, "parkSign, attention, 40 kilometerper hour safe maximum speed, "parkSign, attention, 40 kilometerper hour safe maximum speed, "park road- (estrada-parque) Capelinha-Mauá (RJ-163), near Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



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