Camera trap: White-tailed deer doe in Western redcedar forest, Idaho, USA

July 06, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Camera trap: White-tailed deer doe (Odocoileus virginianus) in Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) forest in early morning, Idaho, USA

I have started to experiment with DSLR cameras attached to sensors. A sensor pair consist of a transmitter and a receiver, in this case a Trailmaster 1550 system. The transmitter transmits an infrared beam that is received by the receiver. If an animal's body breaks the infrared beam the camera and associated flashes are triggered. The sensors are set to a certain height; typically the middle of the torso of the "target species". In this case I was expecting elk or deer, but I set it low enough so that a coyote, wolf, or mountain lion would also trigger the camera. I put the stick where I thought an animal may walk through the beam. The stick allowed me to pre-focus the  camera. Of course I removed the stick again after having set up the equipment.

When I was busy setting up the equipment a cow elk wandered up to about 50 m from me. Then she noticed me and issued a series of loud "barks".... it was very loud and a bit eerie in the dark forest with the large trees... Bethanie who was down below came running up the slope to save me from whatever beast was making those sounds!

Click here for more images made with a camera trap.

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Some large format prints (limited edition) are now for sale at Freshwater Studio & Gallery in Missoula, Montana.

All content © 2014 Marcel Huijser


Image below: Marcel Huijser tests the camera trap with flashes, Idaho, USA

Marcel Huijser tests the camera trap with flashes, Idaho, USAMarcel Huijser tests the camera trap with flashes, Idaho, USAMarcel Huijser tests the camera trap with flashes, Idaho, USA

Image below: White-tailed deer doe (Odocoileus virginianus) in Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) forest in early morning, Idaho, USA (camera trap with flashes)

White-tailed deer doe (Odocoileus virginianus) in Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) forest in early morning, Idaho, USA  (camera trap with flashes)White-tailed deer doe (Odocoileus virginianus) in Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) forest in early morning, Idaho, USA (camera trap with flashes)White-tailed deer doe (Odocoileus virginianus) in Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) forest in early morning, Idaho, USA (camera trap with flashes)



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