Harvest time in Montana: Roasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula

September 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Roasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, Montana. Turn occasionally with tongs, until the skin is blackened on all sides. I like to grill them hole so that the pepper steams in its own juices. Once the peppers are cooled, remove the blackened and blistered outer skin. Cut the peppers, remove most seeds and freeze them, including their juice.

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All content © 2013 Marcel Huijser


Roasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, MontanaRoasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, Montana.Turn occasionally with tongs, until the skin is blackened on all sides. I like to grill them hole so that the pepper steams in its own juices. Once the peppers are cooled, remove the blackened and blistered outer skin. Cut the peppers, remove most seeds and freeze them, including their juice.

Roasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, MontanaRoasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, MontanaRoasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, Montana.Turn occasionally with tongs, until the skin is blackened on all sides. I like to grill them hole so that the pepper steams in its own juices. Once the peppers are cooled, remove the blackened and blistered outer skin. Cut the peppers, remove most seeds and freeze them, including their juice. Roasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, MontanaRoasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, MontanaRoasting red peppers on the grill, Missoula, Montana.Turn occasionally with tongs, until the skin is blackened on all sides. I like to grill them hole so that the pepper steams in its own juices. Once the peppers are colled, remove the blackened and blistered outerskin. Cut the peppers, remove most seeds and freeze them, including their juice.


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