Road ecology blog: Strong winds warning sign, US Hwy 93, Hoover dam bypass, Nevada, USA

August 28, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Road ecology blog: Warning sign, Strong winds possible, high profile vehicles left lane next mile, US Hwy 93, Hoover dam bypass, bridge across Colorado River, Nevada, USA. Tall median barriers protect against head-on collisions and strong winds.

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Road ecology blog: Warning sign, Strong winds possible, high profile vehicles left lane next mile, US Hwy 93, Hoover dam bypass, bridge across Colorado River, Nevada, USAWarning sign, Strong winds possible, high profile vehicles left lane next mile, US Hwy 93, Hoover dam bypass, bridge across Colorado River, Nevada, USA Road ecology blog: Warning sign, Strong winds possible, high profile vehicles left lane next mile, US Hwy 93, Hoover dam bypass, bridge across Colorado River, Nevada, USAWarning sign, Strong winds possible, high profile vehicles left lane next mile, US Hwy 93, Hoover dam bypass, bridge across Colorado River, Nevada, USA Tall median or Jersey barriers to protect against wind and head-on collisions, US Hwy 93 bypass bridge, Hoover dam, Nevada, USATall median or Jersey barriers to protect against wind and head-on collisions, US Hwy 93 bypass bridge, Hoover dam, Nevada, USA


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