Road ecology blog: Multifunctional underpass for desert bighorn sheep, Nevada, USA

August 25, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Road ecology blog: Multifunctional underpass for desert bighorn sheep, Nevada, USA.

This is a very complex set of mitigation measures. In the foreground of the first image is Hwy 270 with a wildlife guard to discourage ungulates from entering the road section that goes under the bridge. The fencing leads the ungulates to a narrow at grade crossing opportunity across the off-ramp for US Hwy 93 with two wildlife guards (one on each side). The second image shows a close-up of that situation. Additional wildlife fencing guides the animals under the underpass and keeps the animals physically separated from traffic under the bridge.

Click here for images of other multi-functional underpasses or overpasses.

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All content © 2013 Marcel Huijser


Road ecology blog: Multifunctional underpass for desert bighorn sheep, Nevada, USAMultifunctional underpass for desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni), Nevada, USA Road ecology blog: Multifunctional underpass for desert bighorn sheep, Nevada, USAMultifunctional underpass for desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni), Nevada, USA


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