Publication: Wolf image in Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, photo by Marcel Huijser

December 23, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Publication: Wolf image in Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, photo by Marcel Huijser.

A special wolf issue of the magazine "Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap".

The special issue is in response to a recent wolf observation in The Netherlands and the management of wolves should they indeed re-establish a population in The Netherlands after an absence of more than 100 years.

A wolf image I made was published as an illustration in the following article: Wieger Wamelink, Glenn Lelieveld & Fabrice Ottburg. 2013. De Wolf: getolereerd of geschoten? Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap,10 (100): 19-21, December 2013.


Wolf article with wolf image in Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, photo by Marcel HuijserWolf article with wolf image in Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, photo by Marcel HuijserWolf article with wolf image in Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap, photo by Marcel Huijser


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