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Picnic shelters, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USWoman and dogs, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USAWoman and dogs, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USACamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewCamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewCamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewCamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewBackcountry tent camping, White Sands National Monument, New MexBackcountry tent camping, White Sands National Monument, New MexDunes, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USASoaptree yucca(Yucca elata), White Sands National Monument, NewSoaptree yucca(Yucca elata), White Sands National Monument, NewSoaptree yucca(Yucca elata), White Sands National Monument, NewCamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewCamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewCamper van 4x4 on dirt road, White Sands National Monument, NewPedestal. The roots suck up moisture, some of the moisture reactDunes, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USAPedestal. The roots suck up moisture, some of the moisture reactDunes, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USA

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