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Categories & Keywords

Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Montana, Paradise Valley, Yellowstone National Park, Yankee Jim Canyon, dirt road, Old Yellowstone Trail S, Yellowstone Trail S, migration, migrations, migrating, migrate, collaborate, collaboration, winter range, range, critical habitat, livestock fence, removal, fencing, fence, pronghorn, wildlife, private property, message, boundary, confusing, sign, signage, gate, NPCA, "Conservation Association", "National Parks", "no trespassing", posted, access, roads, road, private land, public land
Photo Info

Dimensions6000 x 4000
Original file size15.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Public road through private lands. This gate and sign mark a a public land / private land boundary along a public road

Public road through private lands. This gate and sign mark a a public land / private land boundary along a public road

Public road through private lands. This gate and sign mark a a public land / private land boundary along a public road. While the public can use the road, the signage (posted, no trespassing) in combination with the gate is confusing, perhaps on purpose. The "no trespassing" relates to the land on either side of the road, not the road itself. I think it would be more clear and fair to the public to explicitly state that they can drive on the road without a problem, but they cannot leave the road and access the land adjacent to the road.