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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:(Triturus cristatus, A2, Cervus elaphus, Grioene Woud, amphibians, berm, bramble, bridge, cascade, cover, crossing, dry, ecoduct, great crested newt, green, habitat, mammals, motorway, newt, northern crested newt, overpass, pond, pools, ppol, red deer, root wads, shrubs, small, species, stream, structure, warty newt, water, wet, zone
Photo Info

Dimensions7360 x 4912
Original file size31.1 MB
Image typeJPEG
Wildlife overpass "Groene Woud" across A2 motorway, The Netherla

Wildlife overpass "Groene Woud" across A2 motorway, The Netherla

Wildlife overpass "Groene Woud" across A2 motorway, The Netherlands. The structure is used by red deer (Cervus eleaphus) but the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) was also one of the target species for the overpass. Ponds on either side, and shallow pools on top of the structure (a pump pumped water from one of the pools to the top of the overpass) were provided to create a wet zone on one side of the overpass. Berms with rootwads and shrubs provide cover on either side and also reduce visual and noise disturbance.